
Upcoming Shipments / Current Stock

We have updated the current stock to reflect a recent shipment that has arrived.  Unfortunately, this shipment was 90% custom orders, i.e. Stock we don’t traditionally hold. However we did manage to get some stock levels up on 7mm, 30 Cal, 6mm and 6.5mm.  

Shipments – The next shipment is due for completion in June. This is a medium size shipment of stock barrels in mostly 30 cal and 7mm.  Our next shipment after this is due in December and then again in late January 2022.  Orders for these are now closed.  If you are looking for a custom profile / twist rate that we don’t stock, the best we can do is add it to the next shipment for custom orders due in March. Close off date for this is June 30. 

As always, any questions or comments, please feel free to email us. 

Lead Times.

As some of you may have seen we have had little to no stock over the past 12 months.  Things are changing slowly, with a recent shipment arriving, and two more due this year.  What we are still seeing unfortunately is lead times now extending out to around 7 months.  To over come this we are changing the way we order our standard stock line of barrels. This will mean that orders for custom calibers, twist rates and profiles we will only be doing 3 orders per year.  Once we have established when these dates will be, we will ensure that they are published on the website and out through our social media. 

Safe Shooting


Logistics Pressures

With the current climate we are finding ourselves in unchartered waters.  Here at 7mm we have relied greatly on air freight to ensure we can get the world class Bartlein barrels to you as quickly as possible.  With the current international boarder closures this is making the task of efficiently and economically getting out shipments to our shores an ever increasing challenge.

With limited options on international freight we have seen a 120% increase in the cost of freight to get the barrels to our door.   While we are doing everything in our power to keep costs down, unfortunately some of the costs we cannot continue to absorb.

We will continue to monitor freight prices, and as things return to normal, and cost return to previous levels, we will pass these savings onto you, our customers.

Safe Shooting.

PayPal and Firearms Parts Purchase.

We have pleased to report that we have had clarification for PayPal and can resume the PayPal payment option in the check out process.

We appreciate that PayPal and credit card payment for our products is convenient for you, our customer, and appologise for any inconvenience